
Guangzhou Military Region

Guangzhou Military Region
Guangzhou Military Area Command

The Guangzhou Military Region is comprised of two group armies, two garrisons, and five military districts. Seperate or independent units assigned to the MR include an infantry division, an electronix counter-measures regiment, a special operations unit, an aviation regiment, a tankmen training regiment, a pontoon brigade, and a combined arms tactical training base.

The Guangzhou MR covers the Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hebei and Hainan provinces.

The Guangzhou Military Region is also a front-line region in the event of a conflict with Taiwan. It also surrounds the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and will directly control the PLA garrison stationed in Hong Kong. Furthermore, the Naval stations located in region are engaged in the volatile South China Seas, where Chinese activities are closely watched by all Asian nations and the U.S. The pace of economic development in southern China has made the primary trading company of the Guangzhou Military Region one of the most successful of the military commercial enterprises.

During a major military campaign against Taiwan, the Nanjing MR would become part of the so-called "Nanjing War Zone," which probably would include, at a minimum, the three Group Armies in the Nanjing MR, elements from Group Armies based in adjacent military regions (e.g., Guangzhou and Jinan MRs).

The Aviation Regiment assigned to the Guangzhou MR has reportedly attained a "zero-meter error" in air-to-ground attack operations. In large-scale exercises the unit has coordinated with infantry, artillery, and armored vehicles to improve its close air support capability. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 19 Sep 2002 (PLA Activities Report Sep 2002)]

The Guangzhou MR held an examinational sea-crossing and landing exercise that lasted a week and ended on September 9, 2002. Elements of the 42nd Group Army were involved in the exercise, as the commander of the group army organized and directed the exercise. The exercise examined the recently improved amphibious capabilities of the group army and utilized joint tactics. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 10 Oct 2002 (PLA Activities Report Sep 2002)]

On 12 September 2002 an unidentified air defense brigade (possibly from the 42nd Group Army) conducted training exercises in the South China Sea. During the exercise a fenduis boarded an unknown number of ships and conducted sea-crossing operations and seized beach positions. The unit was reported to have gotten their air defense systems in place and operational within 12 minutes of landing. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 12 Oct 2002 (PLA Activities Report Oct 2002)]


Order of Battle - Current

Order of Battle - 2002


An unidentified group army assigned to the Guangzhou MR organized and conducted a long-range maneuver in mid-August 2002. The exercise was conducted over twenty days and nights and consisted of opposed force operations. [Liberation Army Daily 4 Oct 2002 (PLA Activities Report Oct 2002)]

An unidentified artillery division (possibly assigned to the Guangdong Military District) conducted training exercises in a mountainous area shortly after conducting maritime training. The exercises emphasized night warfare, online opfor simulations and live-fire drills. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 1 Oct 2002 (PLA Activities Report Oct 2002)]

In 2002 the Guangzhou Military Region conducted a wide range of training exercises and examinations to test proficiency. Specifically, the MR focused on developing its amphibious warfare tactics and capabilities by conducting a number sea-crossing and island landing exercises. 2002 was the second year that MR units participated fully in maritime training from the end of June until mid September. Units took part in long-duration, high-intensity sea adaptability exercises. The MR Combined Arms Tactical Training Base, the Maritime Training Field, and an Artillery Target Range all played key roles in the years exercises. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 30 Nov 2002 (PLA Activities Report Dec 2002)]

A general communications station has been identified as being in Wuhan. The unit is apparently charged with maintaining military communications in the Hubei area and ir responsible for maintaining agreements with civilian telecomunications providers to insure access by the military. Additional information was unavailable. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 5 Dec 2002 (PLA Activities Report Dec 2002)]

An unidentified division conduced year-end exercises to demonstrate proficiency with new equipment that had been distributed in early 2002. The exercises took place in mid-November 2002 and the unit's officers and men reportedly performed quite well. Some of the issues worked on include waterborne firing by an unidentified tank and an integrated missile and artillery attack against helicopters. [Liberation Army Daily 1 Dec 2002 (PLA Activities Report Dec 2002)]

An unidentified AAA Regiment (possibly with the 41 Group Army which has the only seperate AAA regiment in the MR) conducted an air defense exercise in early December 2002 in East Guangdong. The unit has apparently received surface-to-air missiles in addition to the normal compliment of AAA and become a mixed unit. It is not clear if this will result in the redesignation of the unit. The exercise involved defending against an enemy aircraft which had penetrated Chinese air space without being detected while flying at low altitudes. [Liberation Army Daily 18 Dec 2002 (PLA Activities Report Dec 2002)]

An unidentified artillery regiment demonstrated a substantial reduction in the time to reposition and conduct fire missions as well as improving the accuracy of those fires. According to reports, the regiment was able to reposition in less than half an hour, where in the past it would have taken several hours. The unit is reported to have received new C4I equipment that has made it more efficient and improved its rapid reaction capability. [Liberation Army Daily 28 Dec 2002 (PLA Activities Report Dec 2002)]

All Guangzhou MR units began there 2003 training cycle on January 2. Units from across the region began conducting training rallies and held classes focused on their area of focus. An unidentified amphibious division (42nd Group Army) conducted a rally to promote military training, an unidentified artillery division (possibly the reserve AAA division from Guangdong) held courses and demonstrations on basic and advanced skills. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 4 Jan 2003 (PLA Activities Report Jan 2003)]

An unidentified communications regiment (possibly Unit 53064 from the 41st Group Army) increased the number of computers in its unit by 150 additional computers, bringing the total to over 290. The unit uses the computer for routine office work, command and control, information transmission, and teaching. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 7 Jan 2003 (PLA Activities Report Jan 2003)]

The Military Region's Electronic Countermeasures Regiment (Unit 54468) completed upgrades to its information operations capability sometime in January 2003. The unit conducted information warfare exercises along coastal areas or South Guangdong. The exercise included the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the use of electronic jamming targetting ground, airborne, and shipborne sensors. The unit has reportedly invested some 750,000 Yuan in updating its research facilities and has increased its coordination with various academies. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 25 Feb 2003 (PLA Activities Report Feb 2003)] Another report indicated that this unit also has an Unmanned Flying Vehicle Battalion. [Guangzhou MR Zhanshi Bao 18 Feb 2003 (PLA Activities Report Feb 2003)]


  • Directory of PRC Military Personalities November 2002
  • Directory of PRC Military Personalities Serold Hawaii Inc, June 1998
  • PLA Activities Report September 2002 [Compiled by Serold Hawaii, Inc.]
  • PLA Activities Report October 2002 [Compiled by Serold Hawaii, Inc.]
  • PLA Activities Report December 2002 [Compiled by Serold Hawaii, Inc.]
  • PLA Activities Report January 2003 [Compiled by Serold Hawaii, Inc.]
  • PLA Activities Report February 2003 [Compiled by Serold Hawaii, Inc.]
  • Dennis J. Blasko. "PLA Ground Forces: Moving Toward a Smaller, More Rapidly Deployable, Modern Combined Arms Force" The People's Liberation Army as Organization: Reference Volume v1.0, James C. Mulvenon and Andrew N. D. Yang eds. (Santa Monico: RAND; 2002)

