DongFeng 31 (CSS-9) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile:
DongFeng 31 (CSS-9) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile: The most advanced Chinese ballistic missile currently in service, the DF-31 replaced the DF-4 originally introduced in the 1970s. The missile first debut in the 1999 National day military parade.The DongFeng-31 (DF-31, NATO codename: CSS-9) is an intercontinental-range, road-mobile, solid-propellant ballistic missile developed by Academy of Rocket Motor Technology (ARMT, also known as 4th Aerospace Academy). The missile was developed as a land-based version of the JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). The most advanced ballistic missile currently in service, the DF-31 features higher mobility and therefore better survivability compared to the last generation Chinese ICBM.
DongFeng-31 specifications:
Configuration: Three stage
Length: 13m
Diameter: 2.25m
Launch Weight: 42,000kg
Propellant: Solid fuel
Guidance: Inertial + stellar update
Range: 8,000km (DF-31); 10,000km (DF-31A)
Deployment: Silo or road mobile
Re-entry Vehicle Mass: 1,050~1,750kg
Warhead: One single 1,000kT, or up to three 20~150kT multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV)
CEP: 100~300m
Launch Preparation Time: ~15 min