Chinese DF-3A 3.3-megaton IRBM
Contrary to the exultation in the Indian media, I believe the development of the Agni V increases the danger to all Indians. Basically, it makes all Indians less safe and more likely to become extinct. Here's why.
DF-3A/CSS-2 IRBM with 3.3 megaton warhead
"Brahma Chellaney, Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi, India) - 1999 - History - 612 pages
China's missile choices against India include the DF 3 and DF 3A, armed with a 3.3-megatonthermonuclear warhead and capable of hitting targets up to 2800 ..."
China has a multitude of IRBMs with thermonuclear 3.3 megaton warheads that can easily obliterate an entire Indian city with a single blast.
A single 3.3 megaton DF-3A strike by China would instantly vaporize New Delhi.
In contrast, a 20 kiloton atomic warhead delivered by an Agni V (that survives China's missile defenses) causes relatively minor damage.
For comparison purposes, an Indian 20 kiloton blast on New Delhi is hardly noticeable.
The impudence of Indians to trumpet their "China killer" and if they are actually stupid enough to launch one at a major Chinese city will bring terrible retribution. China can legitimately claim India has used a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) against Chinese civilians and choose to respond in kind.
Unfortunately for Indians, China will destroy every major and minor Indian city to drive home the message that the use of a WMD against a Chinese city means self-genocide for dumb Indians.
The bottom line is you do not threaten the world's third-largest thermonuclear power that possesses the most advanced W-88 warhead design and delivery vehicles. Crazy Indians with puny atomic weapons (which are roughly 1/100 as powerful as a similarly-sized hydrogen bomb) are asking for trouble and seeking their own self-extinction.
Yes, it is true you might successfully atomic nuke a few city blocks in a few Chinese cities. In response, we will thermonuke all of India and take your subcontinent as payment. The Indian capability to inflict limited damage upon Chinese cities will force China to fight India at full thermonuclear power. At last check, China had a minimum of 294 megatons and God knows how many more in 5,000km of underground tunnels.
Also, China can now legitimately claim that India poses a serious threat to its national security. China may choose to launch a preemptive strike (citing the Bush doctrine) against India at any time. In conclusion, I think the development of the Agni V is a detriment to Indian security and existence.
"The Bush Doctrine The Iraq War [or China's War Against India] may only be the beginning of an ambitious American [Chinese] strategy to confront dangerous [Indian] regimes and expand democracy [Chinese national security] in the ..."